Voyager 1: A 46-Year-Old Space Marvel That Outshines Modern Tech

Ahmed Fessi
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2023


Voyager 1 captured by Aliens — Generated by the Author using DallE-3

On December 2023, Voyager 1, the remarkable spacecraft that has been journeying through space for over four decades, encountered a bit of a hiccup, 15 billion miles away. It’s facing a computer glitch causing a communication snag with Earth. This old-timer has been cruising along just fine for 46 years! The glitch has caused the spacecraft’s data system to send back repetitive, looped signals, sort of like a broken record. NASA’s engineers, probably scratching their heads and flipping through old manuals, are trying to fix this long-distance problem. It’s a bit ironic, isn’t it? In a world where we update our gadgets every year, this vintage voyager from the ’70s is still out there, exploring space, and teaching us new tricks. It just goes to show, they don’t make them like they used to!

The Unbelievable Journey of a 70s Spacecraft

Imagine building a toy car that keeps rolling for nearly half a century! Sounds impossible, right? Well, that’s kind of what NASA did with the Voyager 1 spacecraft — only much, much cooler, and traveling at 38,000 miles per hour. Launched way back in 1977, this space probe has been cruising through space for a whopping 46 years, and it’s still going! In today’s world, where our phones give up after a couple of years (and don’t even get me started on…



Ahmed Fessi

Author | FinTech Chief Information Officer | Data & Digital Leader | Enterprise Architect |