Do Women Mature Differently From Using Public Transportation Than Men?

A whole new understanding of women riding the public transport systems around the world

Macey Malone


Image from Google

Adulthood is an elusive journey. We often wonder at what point we become adults. What signals show that we have successfully crossed over to the mature side of life? While there may be quite a few attributes that define adulthood, the most important one is perhaps the ability to sense freedom. Freedom to not just anything but to carry oneself in the most secured and safest way possible through the cruelty of the world. And hence a significant way to taste this freedom is through traveling.

Being able to travel by ourselves is a monumental achievement, and rightfully so. It requires us to take care of ourselves and figure our way through steep mountains, local bars, unknown cities, busy streets, and complicated public transit systems.

Being a woman, I hate to admit that I love public transits! However, it’s only been a few years that thousands of women have logistically been able to travel successfully. I have had my fair share of struggles, inconveniences, and nightmares when I was figuring my way out in chaotic cities such as London, Dhaka, Moscow, New York, Athens, Casablanca, Berlin, and Cairo among many others. The level of…



Macey Malone

Traveler. Thinker. Writer — Seeking knowledge in the world of writing