Waiting For Medium Partner Program To Start Writing? Here’s Why It’s a Bad Idea.

Use the wait period to expedite the monetization and start clocking in NOW.

Lipika Sahu


Image: Pexels

Last July, Medium made an announcement that made so many writers worldwide jump with joy…including me.

Yeah…if you clicked on this story you know what I’m talking about— the roll-out of MPP in over 50 countries (major players being India & Brazil).

But despite the endless refreshing of the page on D-Day, nothing changed…so much for celebrating and spreading the news to friends & fellow writers. Yes, I sulked a bit.

And to make matters worse for me, there was a glitch. A couple of days later, I somehow enrolled in MPP, and the dollars started showing(!!!) That was a happy turn, only to find on the next D-Day (disbursement day) that my Stripe account doesn’t support payment.

Now imagine my plight here — the dollars are dangling right there, but rather than being a delight, they are a sore to my eye. As if Medium is telling me:

“You could have earned this…but sorry, you cannot.”

Well, here I am, a staunch Medium-loyalist, because MPP or no MPP, I make my bucks here. So, although I am waiting for ‘early

