
Wake Up America!

The world is watching, and we don't like what we see.

Liam Ireland
Published in
6 min readApr 20, 2021


Photograph by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

Over the last few days I have been watching online videos of police and black African American interactions, usually to do with some alleged traffic infraction. Now I don't have any statistics to hand about what percentage of stops are black as opposed to white, but it does seem to me that that quite often blacks are picked out and treated differently than whites. But this is not the main point I want to address here. What I do want to address is the issue of how things go down when it is a black person who is being stopped.

It is truly amazing how rapidly things escalate from a simple traffic stop to an all out assault which all too often ends in the death of somebody when it is a black person being stopped.

One video I watched was the recently highly publicised case of a Lt Nazario being stopped for tinted windows and an apparent lack of tags for his car. In the end, it turned out that the driver did have the correct tags after all. But it took a lot of unpleasant and scary, not to mention, unnecessary violence on the part of the police to get to that point.

I won't describe the entire details of the incident since you can see for yourself by watching the video via the link below. What I will touch upon is the…



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.https://www.amazon.com/author/ryanobryan