Abundant Future

Waking Up and Remembering

All lives matter. And all daily choices matter too. Is it enough to adopt an abundant mindset and start a community garden?

Desiree Driesenaar
Published in
10 min readJun 3, 2020


Amazon Rainforest. Picture credit: PX-Fuel

The world has gone haywire. Australia has been burning with bushfires. The Amazon and Papua rainforests are burning. So the land can provide food for the poor and money for the powerful. We are crazy!

And now America is burning over serious racial issues that have been smoldering for centuries.

Black lives matter.

Of course, they do! All lives matter!

Sherry McGuinn wrote her story and tagged me to hear mine.

“How about you? Are your feet still firmly rooted to the ground or are you spiraling off into Never Never Land?” — Sherry McGuinn

Well, Sherry, to be honest, my head is buzzing with bees, all trying to escape the rational thoughts that are in…

