Wales: Why do golf courses remain closed despite people being allowed to mix outside in new coronavirus rules?

New rules were announced for Wales today, which means four people can now meet outside, but golf courses remain closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Josh Slack
3 min readFeb 19, 2021


The view from Ruthin-Pwllglas Golf Club, which is a nine-hole course located in Wales. (Featured Image: Eirian Evans)

Golf is a great escapism for you to get away from a busy, hectic lifestyle and catch up with your friends. Its a relaxing spectacle, which is enjoyed by all, no matter what age you are, but for the last two months, they have shut their doors due to an influx of people contracting the virus.

In the new announcement, Mark Drakeford, Wales’ first minister confirmed that four people can now meet outside, but for some reason, Welsh golf courses remain closed.

Let’s give some perspective, here. Over Christmas and into January, the virus was out of control, but numbers have fallen enormously in Wales and they are on top of the vaccines, which are currently being rolled out across the world.

So, why do Welsh golf courses remains closed? It seems bizarre, especially considering that golf is one of the safest sports, which you can play whilst being socially distanced, due to how much space you have out on the course.

Not only that, but golf is physical exercise and no doubt helps your mental well-being, which has impacted families across Wales.

It is also frustrating for members of clubs, who have been deprived of playing the sport they love, and they’re still having to pay hundreds of pounds for their respective memberships.

Wales golf have since put out a statement, showing their disappointment at the decision made by the Welsh Government.

It stated the following: “We are disappointed that the First Minister today was unable to relax the current ‘Stay at home’ regulations, which will now remain for a minimum of a further three weeks.

“The First Minister made it clear that for the time being all exercise must still start and finish at home.

“At a meeting with Welsh Government officials earlier this week, we presented the APPGG COVID-19 Secure Golf Document which supports our long-held view that golf has been and can continue to be played safely during the current pandemic. Other key areas of discussion centred around the numerous mental health and wellbeing benefits golf provides to tens of thousands of participants across Wales.

“Welsh Government agreed that golf is a sport that can be played in a safe, socially distanced manner. Their main concerns were with the potential Wales-wide impact of relaxing the ‘stay at home’ restrictions, and the cumulative impact of doing this.

“This week has seen the launch of a new social media campaign encouraging all golfers to share their story with the #ShareYourStory. This aims to highlight how their current lockdown experiences and the effect of not having access to a golf facility is impacting their mental and physical wellbeing.”

It is another setback for the sport at recreational levels, with all grassroots sports continuing to struggle financially as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Members will be hoping rules are relaxed when the next review takes place on the 12th March, as the longer this situation goes on, the more detrimental it is to golf courses across Wales.



Josh Slack

Freelance Sports Journalist. I have had articles published in the Bristol Post, Birmingham Mail and FAW. Contact: