Want a Brighter Future, Release Your Past

John Cunningham
Published in
5 min readNov 26, 2020


Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

Poor Milena, it seems she is always worried that things won’t go well for her because she had this or that unpleasant experience. Milena often judges her friends based on how they acted at their lowest moments, accusing her friend Judith of yelling at her for over a trivial matter. She forgot, however, that the friend had a big fight with her husband just before meeting Milena for dinner. She also forgot that the fight was over a favor that Judith had promised to do for Melina.

One time, Milena’s friend, Paul, scratched her car. He opened the door quickly and accidentally hit it against a pole. Melina never lets him forget about that, and she mentions it every time Paul gets in her car. One wonders how Milena can make any progress in her life, or keep any friends when she is so focused on the past. If you, like Milena, bear grudges, continually reliving experiences, and finding yourself worried that the past will repeat itself, it is time you stopped living in the past and start focusing on creating a new future.

The Past Is Gone, and It’s Not Coming Back

Your past has gotten you to where you are today. It is a quilt of experiences and thoughts that have prepared you for the moment, but it is gone, never to return. The reason it’s called his-story is that it has already been written. Nothing you can do or say will ever…



John Cunningham

World-class trainer, life coach, and author of Win the Day: How to win your battles with stress, anxiety & depression. www.synergypersonaldevelopment.com