Want To Be Happier? Start Tracking Your Mood Daily

A step-by-step process to help you stop feeling drained and start smiling again

Mariza Writes


photo by Alex Alvarez on Unsplash

The past year has been a rollercoaster, and I’ve started to notice significant fluctuations in my mood. I noticed there were days when I needed to push myself when the simplest tasks seemed like mountains I needed to climb when I felt drained and tired. There were also days when I got stuff done, without catching myself sweat the small things. And scattered in between, were some bright days when the superhero in me was in charge, and nothing could stand in the way between me and my goals. I felt positive, energetic, and happy.

I want to feel energetic, positive, motivated, and mentally strong a lot of the time, and not only occasionally. The question that popped in my head was. Why? What happened to make me feel this way or the other? I had no answer. I hadn’t been paying attention.

According to science, awareness of our mood patterns is the first step. Once we identify what contributes positively and negatively to our happiness, we can set up a plan to have more of the good stuff and less of the bad. This new knowledge can serve as a map to manage stress and lead a healthier, happier life.

Start Tracking Your Mood



Mariza Writes

I write to explore, communicate and better understand Love | Sexuality | Relationships | Midlife | Life.