Want to be More Productive in Life? Take a Break!

Slow down and take a break to bring success and fulfillment to your work situations.

Chandrani Anantharaman


Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Do you think you spend your time at work running on a hamster wheel? You give your best, work long hours, burn the midnight oil, but there is very little result to show for all your efforts.

Why, despite being overworked and feeling drained, you often not get much done?

If you are currently confused why even after giving your all-in terms of time, effort, and resources, you are not getting much headway in your career or day-to-day work, maybe it is time to give some thoughts to your daily routine.

We are all different from each other in terms of our work habits. While some people look as if they are sailing through life handling their myriad problems, others appear sleepless, burdened, and struggling to get forward in life.

So, what do the high achievers do that ordinary people fail to follow?

The answer might be just a better way of doing things. We all have the same set of hours every day. Some thrive while others get drained — the secret is proper time management that includes short spans of breaks in between.

