Want to Beat Stress? My Simple Steps to Feeling Better

Life can be stressful but easy to manage.

Aron kipkoech
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Life got really busy and stressful for me at work. I had so many things to do, and it felt like I couldn’t catch a break. I started feeling tired all the time, and my mind wouldn’t stop worrying about all the tasks ahead.

One day, I decided I had to do something about it. I wanted to find a way to handle stress and get back some peace of mind. So, I started by writing down my feelings in a journal. It helped me figure out exactly what was stressing me out and why.

Next, I tried something called mindfulness and meditation. I was a bit skeptical at first, but it turned out to be really helpful. Taking just a few minutes each day to breathe and focus on the present moment made a big difference. It created a calm space in my mind where stress couldn’t take over.

Exercise became my new friend in the battle against stress. Whether it was a walk, yoga, or a workout, moving my body helped release tension. It not only kept me physically healthy but also gave me a break from all the stress.

Setting limits became crucial. Learning to say no and taking time for myself became a priority. I realized that doing too much only made things worse. Balancing work and personal life was important to keep stress in check.

Talking to others who went through similar experiences was surprisingly comforting. Joining support groups and sharing tips on dealing with stress helped me feel less alone. It was like having a team to face challenges together.

Being creative turned out to be a great stress-buster. Whether writing, painting, or making music, expressing myself in different ways helped turn stress into something positive. It became a fun and fulfilling way to take my mind off things.

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

In the end, this journey taught me that it’s okay to admit when things are tough. Taking care of myself became a priority, not a luxury. Now, I have simple tricks that help me handle stress and keep a positive outlook. The lessons I learned turned stress from an overwhelming enemy into a challenge I can handle.

Fighting stress is a simple task. You just have to bring yourself out;

  • Identify stressors, write them down, and work on them one by one
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Set Boundaries. Prioritize self-care by balancing work and personal life
  • Share experiences and learn coping strategies from others
  • Expressing yourself creatively turns stress into something positive
  • Acknowledge when things are tough; it’s okay
  • Taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity
  • Use these simple tips to handle stress and stay positive.

Life is short. Live yourself.



Aron kipkoech

Medicine and Health, Economist, Enthusiastic Writer , Enterpreneur.