Want To Change Your Mindset? Here Are 20 Mindset Shifts That Happened When I Meditated Daily for One Year.

Meditation is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

Harsh Budholiya


Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash

I read dozens of popular self-help books over the last five years, but little to nothing changed.

With only one year of practicing meditation daily, I experienced profound mindset shifts that have transformed how I view myself and the world around me. These shifts have allowed me to live a more joyful and fulfilling life with a greater sense of purpose and inner peace.

Here are the 20 mindset shifts that occurred during my one-year meditation journey:

  1. Responsibility is not a burden but an ability to respond in every circumstance.
  2. Happiness comes from living a simple life, not from acquiring material possessions.
  3. Comparison is only helpful when directed inwards; externally, it only creates misery.
  4. Healing can occur without analyzing past experiences, as they are irrelevant to the present.
  5. Fear is often rooted in ignorance, not from failures or past experiences.
  6. Stress and anxiety are a product of our relationship with an activity, not the activity…



Harsh Budholiya

Meditation & Yoga teacher and student. Spreading consciousness through words and practice.