Want to Date an Aries? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Put on your shades ’cause I’ll be dancing in the flames tonight…

Ana Klikovac
6 min readMar 21, 2023


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I want to use this opportunity to announce my astrology series, starting off with the first sign of the Zodiac, which is of course the very fiery Aries. This series will give you the 101 of each sign’s temperament and also provide with some neat tips and tricks on dating the signs.

Now let’s get back to Aries!


Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, represented by the symbol of a ram. It is ruled by the planet of Mars, which is known as the planet of war and as such it is often associated with action, passion, aggression, sex and drive. This influence makes Aries a great initiator and leader, as does the fact that Aries is a Cardinal sign.

Aries people tend to be passionate, active, resilient, but also hot-headed, feisty, argumentative and irrational, almost like a child would be, given the fact that they are often referred to as the “child of the Zodiac”. They are the brave ones, though. There is no doubt about that. Aries are true survivors through all life’s challenges.

Photo: Mary Taylor via Pexels

Physically they are usually incredibly strong and athletically gifted. Aries natives can be very tall and have prominent heads, as Aries rules the head part of the body. They have a close relationship with their body that they nurture through plenty of physical activity. Aries people need to move in order to keep their sanity.

They are really attentive to the people they care about. I believe that is one of their most overlooked qualities due to their inclination of giving people the “tough love”. But that is just the way they express their devotion and care. They truly love the people in their lives and want to do everything they can in order to help them out (they are very much like Leos in that sense), even when it means risking you getting mad at them. You can always trust an Aries to tell you the truth.


As Aries are naturally energetic, they will likely be interested in various physical activities. They may be fond of sports or running or even dancing. Anything athletic, where their body can move freely and express its full potential, is going to be quite appealing to an Aries.

Adventures and spontaneity are also something that would spark Aries’ interest. However, they will likely want to be the ones planning such ventures, as they are used to being the leaders.

Photo: Lachlan Ross via Pexels

Apart from the physical, Aries are keen on taking part in vivacious debates that go on for hours. They are such fabulous conversationalists, especially when it comes to the topics they are really passionate about. That is where you can see that steamy flame burning in their heart. Aries loves talking and challenging their interlocutor.


Dating an Aries can be an interesting affair, for sure. One moment you could be all lovey-dovey, and the next there could be plates crashing all over the kitchen floor. You really have to watch out so you don’t step on their toes because you’ll never hear the end of it. In their defense, though, they are usually right and they are usually coming from a place of love, even when it comes out bitter.

Photo: Keira Burton via Pexels

They are like sparks, and as such, they ignite with the brightest flames and burn out just as quickly. You can never expect them to blow out for too long. Aries are typically the ones to spill everything they have right to your face, then turn away in order to cool off, only to return some time later and possibly apologize, or at least have a calm and rational discussion.

The greatest thing about being in a relationship with an Aries is their inability to tell lies or hide information from you. They will say everything straight to your face, even if it hurts. It might. But you are definitely going to appreciate the painful truth more than the carefully crafted lie in the long-run.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, Aries is the leader, thus they need to be at the forefront of their relationships. They will prefer making most decisions and being involved in making important plans. This can create issues sometimes, particularly if both parties are seeking dominance, but letting them lead can also be quite relieving. It’ll be one less thing you have to worry about.


Now, this is where Aries really shine! Giving the fact that they are influenced by the sexual planet that is Mars, Aries typically have a high libido and kinky and adventurous flair.

You can expect them to be wild and passionate lovers dedicated to sexual experimentation. On the other hand, though, some of them may conversely be overly concerned with they own pleasure which will leave their partner empty. They may get really turned on and get off too quickly because they find it difficult to withhold their excitement.

Photo: cottonbro studio via Pexels

However, I would say that finding an Aries who’s bad in the bedroom or doesn’t enjoy sex is a rare occurrence. They are typically intensely sexual, playful, experienced and dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure. Aries natives tend to have either lots of sexual partners or one long-term partner who can keep up with their sexual stamina.

Tips on dating an Aries

If you want to date an Aries come prepared. Expect challenges, sassiness and hot temperament, but also great passion, love and care. An Aries lover is bound to leave you breathless!

Dating an Aries is definitely not for everyone, as many find it difficult not only to keep up with Aries natives, but also to remain themselves in the relationships giving the fact that they are prone to dominance. Feeling safe and comfortable can also be one of the challenges because Aries might have a wandering eye from time to time. They might not necessarily cheat, but they can get flirty which can cause some issues.

Photo: cottonbro studio via Pexels

Be that as it may, Aries are mostly warm and caring partners with boundless energy. They will definitely bring out the enthusiasm in their partner and inspire them to be a better, more ambitious individual.

I believe they get a bad reputation for being hot-heads (they are sometimes), but they are really just vivacious and playful people eager to show up exactly as they are. They really don’t have a bad bone in their body. They have an angry bone sometimes, if you cross them. But they have such enormous hearts. Those who make it inside of them will be loved fully until the end.

Have you ever dated an Aries? What has your experience been like?


The Truth About ARIES

10 Things to Know About an Aries!! | ZODIAC TALK



Ana Klikovac

Curious soul, exploring the world through written creation | Instagram: @kannchywrites & @kannchy96 | Email: ana.klikovac8@gmail.com