Want To have Manifesting Superpower? Here Are The 5 Ways To Manifest Anything You Want.

Sneha Luhana
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2022
Photo by Lopez Robin on Unsplash

Aren’t we all tired of dreaming of that big house, with the gorgeous marble tiles, a swimming pool for kids to play in, and a decent car with the driver waiting for us to come sit? Everyone’s life is just a story of them struggling to make it, some can while others lose it to fate. Want to know a trick to achieve a big house in reality? Here are five ways how to.

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1. Affirmations

We all have that one person in our life who tells us in any situation, “Think positive!” “Think positive!” Well, if you do too, go hug that person right now! Basically, affirmations are the positive statements you tell yourself for a positive mindset. This world has become an extremely negative place to live in, and to escape from the negativity, we all need good vibes in our lives that can be brought by nobody but us. Affirmations are the way to change your thoughts and to change your beliefs. You feel insecure? You tell yourself “I am confident”, “Everyone thinks I am confident” or “I love the way my nose looks” etc. You must keep repeating them until you start believing in them. Once you think this way, magically everyone around you starts thinking that way which paves the way for you to shine.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

2. Meditation

Meditation? Isn’t that just to relax your mind? What if I said you could also manifest anything using that way? It’s no harder way for this than to put some calm, and soothing music playing in the background. The key to achieve your wish is to imagine yourself talking to your future self. You simply close your eyes, take a few minutes to breath in and breath out, and then start asking your future self, sitting in front of you, questions. “Did you get what you wanted?”, “Do you have a big house, with a swimming pool, and a huge black car?” All the answers should come in affirmative. Make sure that your questions are in detail, and feel the emotions when your future self answers the questions. In no time, you’ll see yourself having what you always wanted!

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

3. Scripting

Scripting is another excellent way of manifesting. Your requirements for this will be any pen and a blank paper. One trick is to think that anything you want, you already have it. For example, you want your dream job that is to become a writer. You write in the paper, “I have become a writer”,” I am a successful writer”, “People love reading my write-ups”, “I earn huge amount of money from this job”. It is a practice to trick your mind and the universe into you having what you wish for. You must be extremely positive and not lose hope in 2 days as the time taken can vary from person to person. But it is a proven way of manifesting that does wonders.

Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash

4. 555

Though this is an underrated method, it is extremely powerful. This technique works as a restructuring system for the sub-conscious mind. By using the 555 method, you will be changing your subconscious mind through the period of 5 days. Just choose one affirmation that you must stick to for 5 days. You will be using that affirmation to re-program your subconscious thoughts as something that also corresponds to what you desire. Remember to keep the affirmation short and sufficient to what is desired, and use of the words “I am”, NOT “I will be”. You need to write these affirmations 55 times in a row for 5 days straight, and make sure to connect your feelings to what you write.

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5. Vision board

This is something we all have been doing without even knowing about the laws of attraction. It’s simply looking for pictures on the internet of the future that we wish to have. We all save pictures on Pinterest of the beautiful gallery and the gigantic house, right? Feels good to say it’s not just me, haha. Another awesome way is to print some pictures out, make them into a collage, and stick them above your bed or anywhere you can notice them first thing in the morning. It can also be saved as the wallpaper on your phone.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

