Want To Invite Resilience In Your Life? Assemble Your Team Of Avengers.

This Is Not The Endgame. This Is Just The Beginning.

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


Photo by Jeremy Chen on Unsplash

The end of the year is a great moment to sit down and reflect on the past 12 months. 2020 has been a very challenging year for us, humanity, and the course of our lives.

As many people list their accomplishments, I want to take another angle. For me, this year has not been about my accomplishments.

I have done some things here and there. I have also failed in many areas in my private and professional lives.

I wanted to find a new position at work. I failed. With some friends, we wanted to launch our sport application. We were unable to achieve the beta version in 2020.

I failed to be more connected with my friends and my family. Not just because of the pandemic. But also because I am more comfortable with a monk’s life than with the one of a social being.

Of course, I can do better in most of those areas. Yet this is not the point I want to highlight here. I want to say that, despite those failures, despite 2020 and all its challenges for me, I still navigated through the year.

I was hit by the storms of lockdowns, working from home, the anxiety of catching the virus, the expectations…



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: https://www.madception.com