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Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


Deep down in the tropical forest in equatorial Guinea, Tik Tik, the tsetse fly, is having lunch.

It is hot and humid, so Jambar, the explorer, is shirtless, with only a short and a hat. He sees some shade under the tree, and he wants to get some rest the first time after walking for 6 hours.

Tik Tik sees in Jambar his dessert. He takes off from the leaf in the tree and heads directly for the nipple of Jambar.

By the time he passes through his ears, Jambar hears him, uses his left hand to grab his hat, and blows a storm of air toward Tik Tik, who has to retreat.

Tik Tik gets back to his quarters and waits. By experience, he knows that the fresh air under the tree is a magic napping nectar for all humans. Half an hour later, Jambar is comfortably snoring under the tree.

Now is the time, thinks Tik Tik. Jambar has his body spreading all over the ground. Tik Tik uses the pants approach.

He enters through the short. There they are, the 2 big, hairy testicles. He chooses the left one and plants his sting into Jambar’s left testicle. The pain awakens Jambar.

Yet it was too late.



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: https://www.madception.com