War In Ukraine: 15 Photographers You Need To Follow

They put their life at risk to show the world the results of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Iryna Kokota


Thousands of Ukrainians have to abandon their homes as russian troops are bombing their city Irpin
Thousands of citizens of Irpin city (Kyiv region) have to abandon their homes as Russian troops are bombing their city. Photo by palinchak / Depositphotos.com

I’ve created a list of Ukrainian and international photographers who put their life at risk to capture the brutality of the war in Ukraine. Please support these brave photojournalists in any way you can (I linked their Instagram accounts.)

Numbers and ideas can be manipulated but footage and images preserve a raw and uncut reality. Current Ukrainian reality is saturated with the blood of our children (the Russian army killed more than 90 kids!) and the unspeakable suffering of my people who are witnessing how Putin’s soldiers, with the silent support of Russian people, wipe Ukrainian cities off the earth’s surface.

After all, these images will serve as firm proof of the Russian army’s crimes against humanity for international law processes and historical archives.

Emilio Morenatti

Brendan Hoffman

Pavel Petrov

Sergey Korovayny

Wolfgang Schwan

Marcus Yam

Alex Lourie

Evgeniy Maloletka

Aris Messinis

Erin Trieb

Mstyslav Chernov

Mikhail Palinchak

Lynsey Addario

Chris McGrath

Salwan Georges



Iryna Kokota

Journalist by education / Storyteller by heart / Creator of thestoryfy.com /Always on the lookout for interesting people /Always ready to lend an ear to listen