
A poem… I guess… poem-ish

Kim McCloskey


Image by Author

My slippery fingers

Grip the plastic of the inner tube

That my body lay across

Floating down a cosmic lazy river

Just letting life pass me by

Drifting aimlessly past…

The wavepool

A mosh-pit of wet bodies

Fat men wearing T-shirts

To block the shame

Tormented by their own minds

About who they have become

Battered by the waves

Of society

Drowning in emotional oppression

Unable to reach solid ground


The lifeguards

Whipping their whistles around their fingers

Looking on


Daydreaming about when their real lives will begin


The waterslide

That slow climb to the top

An impatient line

Reeking of fear and anticipation

For those 4 seconds

Where life will feel more —- Alive

And still I drift along

Fingers pruned

Soul still

With no desire to leave

This eternal current


I drift past

A taco stand

