We All Deserve These 5 Kind of People

The 5th one is rather special

Pallavi Goswami
4 min readJan 28, 2024


Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

1/ Fitness coach/ trainer/ whatever you call those people who are as invested in your fitness journey as much as you are or maybe more if you are lucky

My fitness coach is a very interesting man. Besides taking a genuine interest in his client’s fitness journey, he always keeps finding ways to keep them motivated and invested. For example, throughout December’23, we exercised on Christmas songs.

Imagine being on the 20th rep of the 3rd set of 15 kg squats but still murmuring all I want for Christmas is you under your non-existent breath. At least you have music to hold on to.

He makes all the hard work worthwhile and makes sure that you don’t give up on yourself, even from across a 13-inch laptop screen.

A friend recommended him to me when everything closed down in 2020.

Before that, I was going to one of the best fitness chains in the city. It was the same format, a group workout with a dedicated coach. Never in those workout sessions, I felt so motivated and seen.

I think that is the price we pay when we opt for big commercial brands over personal brands that prefer to work closely with their clients.

Anyway, now my Zoom fitness sessions are the highlight of the day.

It is not hard to understand that if you are authentic, true to yourself, and self-aware, nothing can stop you from standing out and making a difference on the inside and outside.

2/ The security guard in my society

This is a huge premise where I live. There are many security guards, their shifts keep changing and chances are you will see one person once and then you won’t see them for weeks.

Moreover, due to the nature of their jobs, the interactions between the security guards and residents are to the point and no one makes an effort to their stories.

People are forgettable until you don’t know their stories. And once you do, you remember them and who knows, learn a lesson or two.

Luckily this happened to me.

While I never had any proper interaction with this particular security person, one day he walked about to me as I was playing with some stray puppies. I often found those puppies hanging out of a makeshift cardboard shelter. They were earlier hiding in the parking lot of a big house but were removed by the owners.

He was the one who built the cardboard house and was trying to look after them while keeping it low-key.

Funny and sad that choosing an act of kindness can be so hard for some and so easy for others. Luckily you don’t have to be wealthy to execute an act of kindness, your good intentions will do.

I just got reminded of that quote, in a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind.

3/ My pen friend

In my opinion, emails are the best form of communication. Slow, detailed, and impactful.

Yes, this opinion will be highly controversial in a working environment, but for this section, I urge you to only think about pen friends.

We talk or should I say write about life, food, people, places, plans, experiences through the weeks, and personal & professional challenges.

We work in different industries and have different interests, routines, and lifestyles, which makes it even better.

Why? Because we share updates and expand the horizon of knowledge for each other.

We research new trends and topics and come up with recommendations for each other in terms of new books to read, courses that could be signed up for, trends that could be closely followed, and so on.

Having a friendship like this is an enriching experience where you continuously contribute towards each other’s growth.

While we are perfectly aligned, we are also divergent and keep trying to bring something refreshing to the table.

Our email exchange is like a weekly newsletter of life updates, new learnings & challenges, recommendations, and some personal stories.

I hope everyone finds a friend like that

4/ The digital entrepreneurs

Another example of what authentic, true to their values, and self-aware people are capable of doing.

The endless possibilities unlocked with life-changing digital products have made enough waves across the industries. People blending their industry experiences & brains with AI and making a happy and location-agnostic living, if that is not inspiring, what is?

Writers, social media strategists, affiliate marketers, and content creators have set larger-than-life examples of what the power of technology can do when harnessed well.

Not everyone would indeed be interested in doing that but for those who are, it gives both hope and actionable next steps.

There is inspiration everywhere if you are ready to implement it.

5/ The most important of them all — the dog, my dog…

… who keeps me disciplined & fit (because morning/ evening walks are non-negotiable) and grounded & motivated.

I think it needs to be discussed more that having a dog is like having a compass, chances are you will never get lost.

Truthfully speaking, raising a dog is not a cakewalk. You set a routine for themselves which naturally puts your routine in order, you need to train them right and raise them well, so you learn.

Many people have pivoted to being professional dog trainers/caretakers after adopting dogs.

They bring emotional support, positivity, and harmony. Their mere energies are enough to brighten your day. In quest of giving them their best life, you make it happen for yourself as well.

The routine, the discipline, the emotional balance, the compassion and motivation, the very core of being a good human.

And, on the days when you are not feeling your best, you have your dog by your side.

Who are these people for you?





Pallavi Goswami

Product and Data Science Professional | Sharing Stories From My Life Experiences