We Are Not A Trend.

We Are Not Just Statistics

Carol Townend


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

It sickens me to see researchers labelling bisexuality as a ‘trend.’

It sickens me even more to see sexuality used as statistics to measure this so-called trend in research.

Please read this article I read on Microsoft Start

I think this is a very badly worded article, and from my perspective, it stigmatises the LGBT community.

It refers to bisexuality as a ‘behaviour.’

I do not look at my sexual orientation as a behaviour. My sexuality is a part of me. My attraction to both men and women is based on physical sexual feelings, emotional feelings, and hormones.

My behaviour is the way I act, such as being polite to other people or doing something that is right or wrong.

Using sexuality as a measure of statistics is wrong. It’s treating us like some lab rat in a scientific study, though we are not lab rats, and we are not statistics. We are human beings, real people with real feelings.

How come heterosexuals are not treated in the same way? I wouldn’t treat heterosexuality…



Carol Townend

You can visit my Amazon page here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Carol-Ann-Townend/e/B09GFV6C1C/ I have a big love for reading and writing poetry and fiction.