We Become What We Think About

Nidhi Patel
Published in
4 min readAug 1, 2020
We Become What We Think About
Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

Have you ever thought Why some people are happy with their life while others not? Why do some people succeed while others fail? What’s the key to success?

After reading the book called Attitude is everything written by jeff Keller, and applying that one principle that changed my life completely, I can say that the key to success is in just six words

And the same six words are also the key to failure!

The One principle that makes you successful and can change your life is your dominant thoughts

Those six words are: WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT.

Your success initially depends on the way you think

The great writers, philosophers, religious leaders have agreed that our thoughts determine our actions.

As Napoleon Hill said:

What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

And there are the well-known words of Henry Ford, who said:

Whether you think you can — or think you can’t — you’re right!

So how this principle works?.

If you constantly think about a particular goal, then you’ll take steps to move toward that goal.

Let’s say, you want to be a dancer. You constantly think that you are capable to be a good dancer, you imagine all those positive pictures like you are performing on a big stage, people are clapping for you, they compliment you, etc.

Like a human magnet, you will attract those opportunities that will move you in that direction. As long as you cling to that thoughts and by truly believing in your ability to do so, you’ll begin to take steps to move toward that goal.

You may take lessons. You may practice more. But in the end, you will start taking action and reach your objective.

Now imagine the same picture but with negative thoughts, you want to be a dancer but you constantly think like I am not good enough, I don’t have talent like other dancers, what if people will laugh at me when I make mistake or forget stapes?

Does that thought force you to take action?

Of course not!

Because Your thinking is dominated by all of the things that could go wrong.

It’s impossible to take action when your mind filled with negative and self-doubting thoughts

And without taking action how your dreams came into reality?

You can achieve your goal when you believe in yourself and keep your thoughts focused on the positive

But remember, The keyword here is DOMINANT.

A little positive thinking doesn’t produce positive results.

You can’t expect positive results when you spend a few seconds a day thinking positively… and the remaining 16 waking hours dwelling on negative outcomes!

Just like a little bit of a diet doesn’t work.

Look at positive thinking in the same way. A little bit just doesn’t get the job done.

It’s true that you don’t get results without action, but recognize that thought precedes action.

You always knew the actions that you have to take to achieve your goal, But you never took the first step as long as you have a negative attitude.

But when you change your attitude, you felt compelled to take action…you feel like no one is going to stop you!

That’s why a positive belief system is the starting point for the achievement of any goal.

When your dominant belief is that you can achieve your goal, you begin taking the actions necessary to move in that direction.

Face this fact: Your beliefs brought you to where you are today, and your thinking from this point forward will take you to where you’ll be in the future.

If your thoughts don’t change, your results won’t change.

The good news is You CAN change your thoughts, thereby changing your results!

But How you can do that?

In the beginning, become aware of what you say to yourself all day. Each of us has an internal voice, in other words, we talk to ourselves!

I want to admit at this point that I always talk to my self like I am not good enough, I can’t do this, I am not talented like others. Believe me, I experienced, these thoughts work against you.

Instead, repeat to yourself that you can and will accomplish your goal. Because your mind hears every word you speak and, like a magnet, you’ll ultimately attract the events and circumstances that correspond to your dominant beliefs.

So, make sure to use positive words about yourself and your goals.

Read some positive, uplifting literature Every day. You can Find 15–30 minutes to do this. There are literally thousands of motivational books and articles that you can choose from. Read whatever speaks to you.

Listen to motivational audio. You can watch motivational videos.

When you hear those messages over and over, they become part of you and you begin to implement them to improve your life.

From my personal experience, I can say that these techniques work if you have the discipline to stick with them.

But I want to clarify two main things, that positive thinking doesn’t mean that you’ll achieve your goals overnight.

It’s not as if you start thinking about losing weight and the next morning you wake up and find your self looking slim.

Success requires effort, commitment, and patience.

And positive thinking doesn’t mean you won’t have any more problems. You’ll have plenty of setbacks along the way.

But if you continue to believe in yourself, take action - You’ll overcome those obstacles.

Remember, you are constantly moving in the direction of your dominant thoughts.

It’s so simple: Negative thinking produces negative results… and positive thinking produces positive results.

It simply makes no sense to think negative thoughts… unless you want to get negative results.

And nobody wants that to happen.

So choose your thoughts wisely and use this powerful principle to get fantastic results in your life



Nidhi Patel

👩just a girl chasing her dreams. Sharing life lessons✨ and experiences💛