We Cannot Go Back To Business As Usual

Could Benevolent Capitalism Save Our Country And Perhaps Our Planet?

Kris Freeman


Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

When I look out at the United States, I see a culture that has been infused with corporatizing.

Corporatizing that has tricked me and many into believing that to have value in this world I have to beat the other at their game and WIN at all costs.

Monetizing someone’s worth based on how well they play the game and how often they win has created a society of impoverished souls.

It’s more evident now than at any time in our history that Capitalism the economy of our United States is failing us as human beings miserably.

You can see the growing mistrust in our health care systems, our government, our politicians, and our country grow daily as we realize that they do not have our backs.

I want CHANGE, and I am sure YOU DO TOO!

What can bring about that change? De-corporatizing America by instituting something called Benevolent Capitalism.

De-corporatizing America can be the catalyst to level the playing field for all Americans.

I believe that to live in a free society you have to unearth the systems that created the inequity in the first place.



Kris Freeman

Falling Flat on My Face, Getting Up Again, And Asking “What IS Next? AND “What Else Is Possible That I’ve Refused to Consider?” krisfreeman983@gmail.com