We Know a Haiku Is about Nature

It’s supposed to be about nature; we know it. But what could be more natural than a Haiku about Mike?

Stephen Dalton
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2020


A Torii arch in the water used for a Haiku.

Michael Whalen this

Haiku is about you.

It’s just natural.

Just as using a Torii as the featured image for a Haiku is natural, even when someone else as recently used that same image as Matilda Fairholm did in “Only for Michael.”

This is a continuation of the prompt started by Kim McKinney in her challenge, Drive Michael Crazy Haiku Week, for Michael Whalen with “Missed Signals.”

And Tommy Ueland appropriately continued with “THE Michael.”



Stephen Dalton

Stephen Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. Top Writer in Investing, Business, & Bitcoin!