We Live in a ChatGPT society

And it’s ruining our Physical and Mental Health


Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

We live in an era where everything (and we mean EVERYTHING) can be done from the comfort of your home. Gone are the days when you’d have to go out hunting for your next meal. Now, you can get your next meal from the tap of your screen, whether it’s ordering groceries or takeout.

No longer do you need to have critical thinking and analytical skills to write a research paper, essay, or even an article. Now, all you have to do is type into a prompt, and it spits out the exact information you are looking for.

The advancements in technology over the recent years have far exceeded what we thought was possible. Instead of focusing on work, we can now delegate those tasks to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms, giving us the time to focus on the things that do matter to us, like pursuing meaningful work and spending time with our loved ones.

Whilst advancements in technology have certainly made our lives easier, it comes at a cost, and we pay that cost every day with our mental health.

Every day, we actively choose to deteriorate our mental health by choosing instant gratification activities such as scrolling on Instagram and Tiktok, watching meaningless Netflix shows, Drinking every weekend, etc.

These activities eventually leave us a hollow shell of our former selves.

There are only a few places left on the planet where being instantly gratified is close to impossible. And that place is the gym.

No matter the supplements you buy, the personal trainer you have, your workout routine, etc., You can’t attain a physically healthy body in a matter of weeks. Despite what your favourite Fitness Influencer says, you CAN’T eat whatever you want and be in good shape. Like everything worthwhile in life, it takes deliberate action, and consciously making the decision every day that you are going to prioritize YOUR physical health.

There are no shortcuts

There is no “Get Lean Quick” Plan

There are no Fat burner pills

Only hardwork, and a whole lot of patience

And that’s precisely why you should do it

How to Fix Your Brain

The first step to fixing your brain is by setting and accomplishing goals and tasks. Just like in real life, by setting goals for yourself on your fitness journey and achieving them, you begin to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Your accomplishments will breed confidence which will allow you to set even bigger and more challenging goals, and achieving these goals will require you to make more deliberate changes and take action more.

Every challenge your face will require a new and different version of yourself. This method of living, consistently facing new challenges is essentially what makes life worth living. We prove to ourselves that we are more than capable of doing the things we want to do and accomplishing the things we want to accomplish.

To learn how you can start setting SMART goals today, check out a previous article we published a couple of weeks back:



Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach

Fitness and Health Coach sharing knowledge and personal experiences in health and wellness.