Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

We Love Our Dreams, but We Hate The Process

Royhan Fawwaz


We all have dreams. Dreams inspired by others or dreams that urgently push us to pursue them. When asked, “What are your aspirations?” we easily answer, “I want to be an entrepreneur, a doctor, a police officer, or a billionaire”, among other responses. By imagining our future success, we fall in love with our dreams.

Our commitment becomes the first step towards ambitiously achieving them. Sometimes, we are very confident that we will succeed. In our minds, we think, “I can definitely do it. If others can, why can’t I?” We imagine future success with luxury cars, luxurious homes, a beautiful spouse, and the happiness of our parents. Eventually, we become obsessed with this vision and decide to start, to take the first steps towards making it happen.

Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

And then, we find out that the finish line is very far away. We find out that the road is very steep. We find out that thorns line the path. Eventually, we stop, we give up, and when we try to continue, it feels like facing endless suffering, something we dislike.

Many of us end up giving up. It’s all because our commitment is not accompanied by consistency, not accompanied by discipline, not accompanied by hard work, and not accompanied by patience. We often find someone starting something, but rarely do we find them reaching the finish line. Because we fall too in love with our dreams, but we strongly dislike the process itself. We yearn for the dreams we want, but we don’t fall in love with the process.

Starting something is very easy, but have you ever found them finishing it? Well, maybe, but very rarely. It can be counted on one hand.

