We Need a Major Pivot to Improve the Workplace

Alejandro Diaz
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2022


Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

Many of us have had our ups and downs with bosses. Some have been good ones, some have been okay, and some have been downright horrible. I fondly remember the ones who were competent, motivating, fair and who held on to their integrity under all circumstances. I salute them.

On the other side, I also remember those bosses who were unjust, ineffective, shallow, and downright mean spirited. They left a horrible legacy. I often think of Maya Angelou’s famous quote —“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I do indeed remember how those malicious managers made me feel every day I walked into those offices. I dreaded it. Whereas the honorable managers made me feel welcome and valued. I trusted them and wanted to help them succeed, which in turn made the company prosper.

Dysfunctional work environments are unfortunately too accepted in our society. The pain they inflict is far-reaching. They affect personal lives; they affect communities, and they affect an organization’s services, reputation, and growth.

A study by “The Frontline Leader Project: Exploring the Most Critical Segment of Leaders” stated that approximately 57% of people leave their jobs because of their bosses. Bad managers also cost…



Alejandro Diaz

Alejandro Diaz writes about culture, politics, and the workplace. His new business, D & E Management Solutions, Embraces Humanity at work https://dandems.com