We Should All Read “Refuse to Choose” Post-Pandemic

In a way, we’re all “scanners” now

Sharon Woodhouse


Photo by Sergey Tinyakov.

“After month upon month where so much was in flux but our day-to-day experience felt like a boring version of Groundhog Day…it feels simultaneously as though so much and absolutely nothing has happened. But in between the nothing and so much, and beyond the constant swelling of grief and anxiety, many people have found room to reassess their life and what they want to change.” — Sadhbh O’Sullivan, Refinery 29, April 26, 2021

O’Sullivan captures the states of disruption, re-evaluation, and weirdness so many of us have found ourselves in throughout the pandemic and especially now, with a supposed end in sight, ready to ramp back on to a normal we may be ambivalent about.

Journalists, strategists, researchers, and individuals — just about everyone has taken note that human beings, forced to hit pause for a good, long, too-long while, are considering en masse how they want to proceed. What they learned during lockdown that they want to hang on to (and what they don’t), and what they still don’t know about fitting their priorities into the coming future.

I read a lot during the past year, but one book captured my heart and delighted me as it gave me something I didn’t know I needed. It may not have been written for you, in…



Sharon Woodhouse

Sharon Woodhouse is an author coach, publishing consultant, publishing project manager, and former indie book publisher. www.conspirecreative.com/subscribe