Weaving the Present from Threads of the Past

Sarmila Sivaraja
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2024


“We do not suddenly become what we are; we do not suddenly become what we are becoming”

“We do not suddenly become what we are; we do not suddenly become what we are becoming. A long chain of development is behind us, and what is present in us now has its history in the past. We are the last link in a long chain.”

Hello there, I extend my greetings to you. It is my pleasure to engage with you through this Medium article…

Recently, during a conversation with my uncle, he shared a quote with me, seeking its interpretation from me. Upon my initial attempts, I found difficulty in grasping its meaning. Therefore, I took the liberty to transcribe the quote for your consideration: ‘We do not suddenly become what we are; we do not suddenly become what we are becoming.

I now invite you to share your insights or initial impressions regarding this quote. Your thoughtful reflections are greatly appreciated.

The quote is as follows:

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.quote from his book Ecce Homo, image created by the author

Now, I pose the same question to you: What are your thoughts on this quote, or what immediately comes to mind when you read it? ( comment below )

Image created by the author

The Unspooling Tapestry: Weaving Our Selves from Threads of Time
There’s an intoxicating myth that we erupt onto the stage of life, fully formed, a singular star blazing into existence. But the truth, as the enigmatic quote whispers, is far more intricate: “We do not suddenly become what we are; we do not suddenly become what we are becoming.” We are, instead, tapestries woven in the loom of time, our present selves the result of a grand, unfolding narrative with roots stretching back through generations.

Consider the fledgling musician, fingers dancing across the keys with an ease that belies hours of practice. Their passion isn’t an isolated spark; it’s the echo of childhood lullabies hummed by a mother, the whispered stories of great-grandparents who filled dusty taverns with song. Each melody learned, each chord mastered, becomes a thread in the musician’s tapestry, weaving a symphony of sound and story.

Or picture the budding entrepreneur, eyes gleaming with the audacity of dreams. Their ambition isn’t a sudden flight; it’s the inherited spirit of countless ancestors who carved paths through wilderness, built empires from scratch, and dared to challenge the status quo. Each tale of struggle, each lesson in resilience, becomes a thread in the entrepreneur’s tapestry, propelling them towards uncharted horizons.

Even our seemingly mundane choices whisper of the past. The words we speak might resonate with the cadence of forgotten fairy tales, the rhythm of prayers whispered across generations. The food we savor might carry the scent of sun-drenched kitchens where grandmothers kneaded dough with love, their stories rising with the yeast. Each action, however small, adds a color, a texture, to the vast canvas of who we are.

But acknowledging this woven past isn’t merely a nostalgic indulgence. It’s a call to action, empowering us to actively shape the tapestry of our own becoming. By understanding the threads that contribute to our being, we gain the agency to choose which to pull tighter, which to loosen, and which to add altogether. We can nurture the wisdom of mentors, untangle the knots of limiting beliefs, and embrace the lessons of hardship, weaving a future rich with purpose and possibility.

This act of conscious tapestry-weaving becomes a rebellion against the myth of the self-made man, the lone hero forged in isolation. It reminds us that we are not solo acts but parts of an ongoing play, forever indebted to the chorus of voices that came before. And in acknowledging this debt, we can write a more inclusive, vibrant, and interconnected chapter in the grand narrative of humanity.

So, let us remember: we are not sudden bursts of light, but flames nurtured by the embers of history. Let us weave our present with intention, honoring the threads that bind us and adding our own vibrant hues to the tapestry of shared existence. For in the end, it is not what we become, but the threads we choose to weave, that truly define the masterpiece of who we are.

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Sarmila Sivaraja

Associate Engineer- Technology @ intaap | Ex - Virusa