
Weekly Editorial Picks by Ann Venkataraman

Ann Venkataraman
5 min readJul 6, 2020


Stories to inspire and brighten up your week!

Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

My name is Ann and I am on the editorial team for Illumination magazine. (Bio here) Every Monday, I present a weekly editorial pick of 15 hand-picked stories, submitted in the previous week, that stood out for their brilliant content.

This post is my list for this week.

Kickstart your week with fabulous articles that inspire, motivate, teach, and add joyous sparkle to your life!

Our publication receives tons of amazing content — so this list is deliberately eclectic to reflect the writers. Plus, reading diverse topics will foster new ideas that help you with all facets of life — writing, work, career, innovation, and relationships! Who knows you might find your next favorite writer in some of these stories!

[If you have questions about the submission process or want to participate in one of our writing challenges, then links are added at the end of this article.]

As a reminder, the selection is slightly subjective based on what stood out to me in the stories we received last week. I have excluded stories that were already featured in our previous “spotlight” sections and this list does not have any writer bios. I also left out news, horror, or…



Ann Venkataraman

Techie, Manager, Blogger & Mom. I write about Leadership, books, productivity, and how to use them to fast-track your career.