Weekly Wisdom from Karen

ILLUMINATION Edition #entrepreneurs #selling #success #YouTube #business

Karen Madej
Curated Newsletters


Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay

Let’s start the weekly wisdom off with words from Francesco Joseph. His ten tips on what makes an entrepreneur tick are both interesting and informative to anyone who aspires to be one.

Entrepreneurs; What are they? What makes them tick? They are a different breed from most people, some say they eat, drink, and breath success. Some say they were born great or achieved greatness, others say they had greatness thrust upon them.

A second entrepreneur story next from Floyd Mori, a prolific writer for ILLUMINATION. There have been some pretty successful young people setting up their own businesses. Do you remember that young man, Alex Tew, who made the million digital squares and asked for a dollar for each one? A true entrepreneur.

A woman sent out an email announcing that her daughter would be selling hot chocolate and cookies along with some handmade bowls at their home.

