Weight Loss — How I Lost 50 Pounds & Kept It off with a Low-Carb Diet.

Light exercise and weight loss can keep you healthier with less stress.

Stephen Dalton
Published in
6 min readApr 25, 2020


Veggie plate image created by the author

In an article by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Obesity Is Common, Serious, and Costly, they warn that obesity is prevalent in 39.8 percent of Americans, and obesity leads to diabetes, stroke and heart disease, which are three of the leading causes of early mortality.

Weight loss is as much mental as it is diet and exercise. You should prepare for weight loss the same way you train for a race — a marathon, not a sprint.

Set a Realistic Weightloss Goal with a Target Weight Date

First, you’ll need to set a realistic goal. Pick a target weight and a date that you would like to meet that goal.

Second, break your goal down into smaller chunks that are easy to measure.

I set a goal to go from 240 down to 180, but even thinking about losing 60 pounds seemed too difficult. Therefore, I would advise a 7 to 10-day goal instead.

Then, make sure you have the proper tools for success. Plan your menu before you shop for the…



Stephen Dalton

Stephen Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. Top Writer in Investing, Business, & Bitcoin!