Weird Remedy Used By Ben Carson For COVID-19 Treatment

He says he is better

Floyd Mori


Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Most medical doctors adhere to the science

It seemed strange when Dr. Ben Carson, a medical doctor, was chosen as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the cabinet of Donald Trump. Carson became known when he was one of many candidates in the Republican primary for President of the United States for the 2016 election. There were several seemingly well qualified candidates who had served in elective offices. He had no previous political experience, but neither did Trump.

The revolving door of cabinet members did not apply to Carson. Even though he was a medical doctor without experience in housing, he has stayed in the position during the four years of the Trump Presidency.

A Republican friend of ours with extensive experience in HUD matters served as an Assistant Secretary at HUD under Carson. He praised Carson as being one who would listen to and heed the advice of people who had more knowledge and experience in the fields over which he was the leader. He liked Carson as a person and boss.

You would have thought that a medical doctor would believe and adhere to the science regarding the coronavirus pandemic restrictions and recommendations. Carson apparently contracted the virus during an event at the White…



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.