Well-being is not a luxury

One of the biggest illusions about well-being is the assumption that it can only come after many other physiological, financial, and physical requirements are met.

Ozge Kantas, Ph.D.


Sorry, no sorry, but this is the misunderstanding of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. If you are ready, here is the biiiiig fact check.

There is no Maslow’s hierarchy of well-being.

Plateresca / Getty Images

What Maslow originally suggested is the deprivation needs can dominate human motivation when they are lacking. Therefore these might prevent us from a psychologically fulfilling life. These deprivation needs are the ones that we cannot live with.

Like food.

Like shelter.

Like safety.

And then now we have time and energy to be happy. Right?

NO! Because we also have growth needs at each level. However, sacrificing the psychological needs for the sake of deprivation needs is called controlled motivation, whereas the desired motivation is autonomous motivation which brings us well-being.

Well-being is not 5 courses of dinner where one comes after another. Maslow himself self-corrects that it is not true that unless you finish your plate at one level, you…



Ozge Kantas, Ph.D.

Social and personality psychologist, research-minded. Thinks well-being as a business, not a busy-ness, bridges mental health & business| IG: dr.ozgekantas