Wellcare is shaping around online pharmacy competition: this is how!

As pharmacy is the place where life sciences, insurance, healthcare organizations first meet patients, Online Pharmacy is becoming the first Wellcare arena, attracting investments from giant organizations that want to expand their healthcare services. Is this the first step to Polypills?

Flavio Aliberti


Photo by James Yarema on Unsplash

Finding evolution patterns is never easy, especially for conservative organizations, with siloed culture and limited collaboration within departments and among competitors.

Large organizations with no cultural challenge in collaborating and catching opportunities in other sectors, cash on hand, customer proximity, and a “pioneer” mindset can break into the healthcare, a sector worth globally $7 trillion each year, growing 5.5% per year and will reach only in the US by 2027 almost $6 trillion. Amazon, Google, Apple have all made moves in the last 18 months, with new digital services, acquisitions, and partnerships.

This is not limited to Tech Giants, and new actors are making their entry redesigning the online pharmacy offering.



Flavio Aliberti

Digital humanist writing about technologies enhancing human interactions. www.linkedin.com/in/flavio-aliberti