We’re Finally Doing This!

At long last, we are building a farm.

Kristen Abram


Photo courtesy of Klimkin on Pixabay.

For more than a decade, my husband and I have discussed the idea of buying land up north and building our dreams the old fashioned way. With hand tools and determination, ourselves. Forge a life like the pioneers did when they were granted land with nothing on it.

The only problem was that we could never seem to get enough money together to buy the land and do it. Going from renting a house in the city and paying overpriced rent to building our dream home just never seemed to be in the cards for us.

It didn’t matter what we did or how hard we tried, something always came up that would deplete the savings accounts.

Then on October 28, 2020, my mom passed away only 6 weeks after her own mother passed. This really put the dream on hold. Between processing the passing of both my mom and my grandma, my father in law had a major heart attack and needed triple bypass surgery. 2020 was a real kick in the teeth to any plans that we may have had.

It took time to process everything, and then came the decision to sell mom’s house. This was one my siblings and I did not take lightly. Mom had some mental health issues during her lifetime and was a bit of a hoarder who let…



Kristen Abram

Loving mom and wife, living the homestead dream. Urban homesteading, preparing to head north and build a farm from scratch.