Wetting My Sole

It’s about the release



Photo by Ruslan Zh on Unsplash

Tiny water droplets land on my face
First a drizzle
Now a downpour

People seek cover inside
Others pull out their coveted umbrellas while
The cloudy sky
Releases beads of water
That dances atop parked cars

Life memories flush out of me
With each splatter of the rain
And intensifies as drumming continues against my skin
My feet dig into the land and my sole
Becomes renewed
Washed and cleansed
As the water slides underneath

Too much time spent hiding in the shade
Afraid to step into a puddle
Looking from the inside
Because that’s what other people did
Why are we so afraid to live?

The rainfall creates a long continuous note in the wind
As I watch the trees sway in the breeze
The roots within the soil drink
Quenching their thirst
Fulfilling their needs
I am reminded that they are living
What more excuses do I need?




Enjoys writing poetry but also creative fiction and nonfictional pieces! Creativity bleeds through me and that includes art!