What About the Heart You Created?

Sharon Brandon (Readywriter59)
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2019


Courtesy of Pixabay.com (several objects together)

Why do we reach out to one another? What is the real reason we feel we need another individual to support us? To care for us? To need us? To love us? Why is this fundamental and critical to human evolving and fulfillment? Is it really necessary or are we suffering from co-dependency? Can we evolve without human touch and go on to live authentic lives? Do we really need validation from another human? Can we not find our own way? Can we not be satisfied with our own self? Is rejection driving us to conform instead of living in truth? Tolerance or acceptance, which do we really need? Why do our feelings change? If we have found the one how is it that love can fizzle, dwindle and dissolve? Is love real? Or is love just another way we walk out delusions?

What if rejection isn’t real?

Does denying our sexual urges mean we are doing the right thing for us or for the other person? Does indulging our sexual fantasies mean we have other psychological or mental issues?

Who and what determines what is right in relationships? If we look at the centuries that have come and gone and zoom in on how society as a whole has interacted, can we really say we have an accurate standard to follow? Do we need to follow one?

Are we all fumbling in the dark and every now and then or every once in a while the light switch turns on and we…

