Poetry prompt Day 6

What Am I Afraid Of?

The depth of my insecurities

A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2021


I’m afraid of losing trust,

What if people stop believing in me?

I’m afraid of not being loved,

What if those I love, don’t love me back?

I’m afraid of making mistakes,

What if I never learn from them and repeat them?

I’m afraid of my past,

What if it hampers with my present and future?

But most of all,

I’m afraid of not growing,

What if my mind refuses to accept change and go with the times?

Photo by kalei peek on Unsplash

Thanks for tagging me, Sahil Patel. Here’s my take on today’s poetry prompt “What Are You Afraid Of?”

Check out Sahil’s take on the prompt below.

Sahil Patel has started a Poetry Challenge week instead of the upcoming World Poetry Day. Do feel free to join in and contribute if you indulge in poetry too.

Thank you for reading. I look forward to reading everyone’s poems. Do tag me and Sahil in the story so we can read your pieces.

