What Am I Doing Right Now, and Is It What I Want to Be Doing? Writer? ✍️

InkQuill Adventures
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2023

It’s a quiet afternoon, and I find myself sitting at my desk, gazing out the window. ☀️ The soft, golden rays of the sun are streaming in, casting a warm glow on my cluttered workspace. 💻 In this moment of reflection, I can’t help but ask myself, “What am I doing right now, and is it what I want to be doing?”

Image created by the author

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a deep-seated love for the written word. 📚 From the time I was a child, I would devour books, immersing myself in their worlds and characters. 👧 I was that kid who would sneak a flashlight under the covers, way past bedtime, just to read one more chapter. 🔦 And as I grew older, my fascination with words only deepened. 🤓 But life, as it often does, had other plans for me. 😔

As I entered the adult world, the pursuit of a “practical” career became my focus. 💼 I went to college, earned a degree, and found myself in a corporate job that paid the bills but left me feeling unfulfilled. 😕 My daily routine consisted of meetings, reports, and deadlines, all the while that deep longing to write never quite faded away. 📝

One day, while I was mindlessly scrolling through social media, I stumbled upon a quote that struck a chord with me. It said, “Your passion is your true calling.” ❤️ The words were simple, but the impact they had on me was profound. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and I suddenly found myself asking, “Is what I’m doing right now aligned with my true passion? Am I living my purpose?” 🎯

That quote sent me on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. 🦋 I realized that, deep down, I’d always known what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a writer. 👩‍💻 But fear and societal expectations had held me back for far too long. ⛓️ The monologue in my head became a chorus of doubts and insecurities. “What if I’m not good enough? Can I really make a living as a writer? Shouldn’t I stick to the stable path I’ve carved out?” 🧠

“Yet, as I delved into this introspection, I began to see the cracks in my self-imposed barriers. 🔓 I noticed the moments of pure joy and fulfillment that writing had brought me over the years. 🤩 I thought about the countless stories and ideas that had taken residence in my mind, waiting for the day I would finally give them life. 💡 It was crystal clear: I wanted to write, and it was time to pursue my dream. ✨

So, I decided to make a change. 🎯 I started by allocating time in my daily routine to write. ⏰ Every morning, before the chaos of the day began, I would sit down at my desk and let my thoughts flow onto the page. ✍️ At first, it felt intimidating, like trying to find my voice in a crowded room. 🎭 But with each day, it became easier, and I found myself falling in love with the process. 🥰

As I wrote, I realized that the act of putting words on paper was a form of self-expression and therapy. 🧘‍♀️ I began to share my work online, initially with trepidation. 🫣 The fear of judgment and criticism weighed heavily on me. 😰 However, something extraordinary happened. The words I put out into the world resonated with others. 🌎 People connected with my stories, my experiences, and my perspective. 🤝 The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and it was a validation I had never anticipated. 🥰

With each positive comment and share, my confidence as a writer grew. 📈 I realized that the journey of a writer wasn’t just about the act of writing itself; it was also about connecting with others, sharing our experiences, and, in some small way, making the world a bit brighter. ☀️ It was about inspiring, entertaining, and provoking thought. 🧠

As the months turned into years, I came to a profound realization. I was no longer asking myself, “What am I doing right now, and is it what I want to be doing?” Instead, I was living the answer. 🎯 I was writing, and it was exactly what I wanted to be doing. ✍️ It wasn’t always easy. There were moments of doubt and discouragement, of feeling lost in a sea of words, but I persisted. 💪

My journey as a writer has been both a process of self-discovery and self-acceptance. 🔎 It’s taught me that our true calling often lies hidden beneath layers of doubt and societal expectations. 🎭 It’s a journey that requires courage, persistence, and a belief in oneself. 🌠

To anyone out there who, like me, has questioned their path and wondered if they’re truly living their purpose, I want to say this: You have the power to change your story. 🪄 It’s never too late to pursue your passion, to follow your heart, and to embrace your true calling. 💖 You are capable of amazing things, and you deserve to live a life that aligns with your dreams and desires. 🌠

Today, as I sit at my desk and look out at the world, I no longer doubt my choices. I am a writer, and it’s exactly what I want to be doing. ✍️ I hope my journey inspires you to take a step toward your own true calling, whatever it may be. 🌈 Remember, your passion is your compass, and when you follow it, you’ll find a life that feels truly meaningful and fulfilling. 🦋

Your passion is your true calling. Embrace it, and you’ll find your purpose.

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InkQuill Adventures

​​Where Ink Meets Quill on a Journey of Adventure 🌟