What Are Life’s Most Beautiful Moments To Witness?

Making it Magical For You To Live Longer

Euphoric Life
6 min readJun 5, 2023


What Are Life’s Most Beautiful Moments To Witness?
Author Photo Designed on Canva.com

They say “Good things take time”, and so is the same with the memories you make. Not every moment you witness in your daily life is going to make it to the memorable box.

The kid inside you eventually shows up in your life-changing moments. Though small, it makes you travel your past and overwhelms you with those moments which were not more than a dream in your life.

In your everyday life, you are either captured by comfort or by distress. The outcome of your best captured moments heavily relies on how you perceive things in your life. Did you ask yourself anytime, “Am I so lost that I am missing out on creating the best memories?”.

It is weird that as a human you are dissolved in this competitive world where people make you run on their beliefs and not your own. It is sad that you hardly have any small or larger pieces of your life’s best moments to carry yourself with while you leave this world.

You are trying to create your life with those scrambled pieces which should be “scraped” in the corner of your mind.

If “YOU” never exist in your own life then you would end up leaving this world with a head full of strain and merely the memorable moments.

It’s not in the “Why’s” sometimes but is in the “Hows” of life being a better place to stay in. Some moments just hold you back once they pop up in your head.

In a 24 — Hour day, you need to find out reasons to stay in your comfort zone that even in any way makes you happy suffices your day. You need to live for those moments or memories that become no less than a frame on your wall, a line in your daily journal, or a topic to gossip about when you meet your loved ones after ages.

Life is all memory except for the one present moment that goes by so quick you can hardly catch it going.

— Tennessee Williams

Only a few times in your life you will get to witness your heart vibrating to the frequencies of your surroundings. Pay attention to those frequencies as they’d want you to dance your heart out, will make you emotional, or make you just jump out of your skin which will make you believe that you have a reason to live here in this world.

The best moments are the ones that make your soul feel like you are finally home, you are living the best time of your life and the way you perceive.


  • Dot your journal with memories that you’d like to read when you are having your coffee under the sun
  • Capture your dancing soul which can be framed on your wall and will take you a trip down the “oh those were the days” memory lane
  • Stop chasing your dreams by spending a harsh life that will refrain you from the other side of your world and spend on something that can be carried as your pocket-sized memories
  • find compulsive memory-making reasons so that life knocks on your door and invites you to the other side of the world to witness the beauty that only a few get a chance to see

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What Are Life’s Most Beautiful Moments To Witness?

Some moments just flash before your eyes while a few others get missed due to your ignorance. What can be done? Start with yourself. Think about what are those special moments that you’d want to be a part of your memory box.

Think of those tiny little changes in your lifestyle, the sweat on your body to chase them, and the impulse in you to see the other side of the world altogether creates a complete view of life from your scrambled pieces.

What are those beautiful moments that a human has spoken about that they have witnessed? Did you feel the same but forgot to capture it?

  • The sudden show-up of a long-lost friend or a family member and you gossip about those old days when things used to be different, over a cup of coffee shredding tears of joy.
  • A breathtaking sunset with your close ones across the beach or mountains, where the sky shows up its colors, thereby bringing in awe and calmness which soothes your heart with a sense of sigh.
  • The gentle comfort of a hug you receive during your darkest times from your loved ones. It is an antidote to all your worries that have been accompanying you since the start of your day bringing in a feeling of peace and calmness.
  • In giving away gifts or fulfilling the dreams of those young abandoned minds and receiving those beautiful smiles from them as you are no less than a magician in their lives.
  • Amid nature where the rainbows soothe your mind, the cold breeze brings in goosebumps, the chirping of the birds, waves on the shore, the birth of an animal, and the blooming of flowers during the monsoon will make you dissolve in it so much that you’d want to be back again and again for recreating the memories.
  • You are in the sky, 30,000 feet above sea level, having a free fall breathing all that air, calmness, feeling your heart beat faster than ever has something that lets you flow for that time.
  • A time when you are lost in your own world and your heart starts dancing to the rhythm of your surroundings. A “once in a blue moon” type of feeling which happens when you’ve found reasons to live your life. A moment worth capturing.
  • From the birth of your child, holding their hand and clicking the first picture to be framed on your wall to seeing them grow up and feeling like it was just yesterday. Their very first word will bring tears to your eyes where you’d be waiting to have a conversation with them. That’s the beauty the life can give you.
  • The happiness of achieving a long-awaited goal or milestone jotted down in your life’s bucket list is no less than becoming the man of your word. Your friends, family, and everyone who has been a part of your journey will flashback as they were a part of your story.
  • The unconditional love and loyalty that you get from your pet, their antics, companionship, and wholeheartedness towards you will bring more joy and comfort. You’d love to have that company and never miss even a single time to make it to your memory box.
  • The lyrics of the song and the tapping of your leg on the floor as every word starts making sense is happiness in itself. You are singing along with your friends, letting your soul know that music is therapy for your existence.
  • The taste of your own homemade delicious meal, crafted with love, spices, and a touch of sweetness which when shared with your loved ones serves as a savoring of the moments of togetherness.
  • Sitting on the terrace, glazing at the twinkle of stars in a clear night sky, and thinking about how things changed in a matter of a second but it felt like it was yesterday. It helps you open up to yourself more and know that the world is a beautiful place to stay in.

These could be a few moments that have been mentioned above which might constitute only 1% — 10% of the overall memory-making journey. You need to be patient but also enthusiastic about making such memories and carrying them over your shoulders so that when you remember them you start shredding tears.

Remember, the beauty of life doesn’t lie only in certain splendid moments but also in the small, daily experiences that provide an impulse to uplift your spirits and appreciate the beauty of your surroundings and existence.

Your existence matters



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?