What Are the Best Ways to Deal With an Angry Karen?

Being approached by a Karen can be a difficult experience. Here’s a guide on how best to deal with an angry Karen

Paul Abela, MSc


Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash. Looks can be deceiving: a Karen may appear to be a grown woman but she has the emotional maturity of a child

Karens are a special breed of people. For one a Karen hates everything, and everyone. They hate you, your dog, your clothes, your friends, that tree over there. They hate authority, government, taxes, non-Americans. Anyone who looks different or is a different race to themselves. They’re a stickler for the rules, but not when it comes to wearing a mask. Wearing a mask is the thing Karens hate above all else.

Karens are a unique, unpredictable, dangerous breed of people. So when approached by a Karen how should you react?

When a Karen approaches, understand you’re not dealing with a rational person. A Karen can only see the world from Karen’s perspective. A Karen is unable to show any sympathy for her fellow human being. The Karen is self-indulgent, self-righteous and completely absorbed in the world of Karen. Because don’t you know? The world revolves around Karen.

Dealing with an angry Karen

There is nothing a Karen likes more than a problem. If a Karen takes issue with something you’re doing, she’ll pounce. When you trigger a Karen — even if Karen is…



Paul Abela, MSc

Writer and systems thinker | Place a lens on the social, economic and political causes of the climate crisis | Visit my website and blog at transformatise.com