What are you afraid of as a leader?

Is it holding you back from moving forward?


Photo by Joe Beck on Unsplash

The Bushidō code is a combination of 8 different core virtues that directed the samurai on how to live. I have researched these virtues and have adopted and blended them into the context of the time we are now living. I have also discovered that focusing on these 8 virtues is a pathway to finding Work: Life Harmony for ourselves and living a life with more overall satisfaction.

I will be writing 8 different articles, one for each virtue: Justice, Courage, Compassion, Respect, Integrity, Honor, Loyalty, & Self-Control. This is Article #2, Courage.

Leadership can be, at times, scary. There are decisions to make multiple times per day.

  • What if the wrong decision is made?
  • Do we stop production because of a slight issue with one of our parts that is more cosmetic than anything else?
  • Is it the right decision to call everyone back to the office rather than having everyone work from home?
  • Do we expand our team to deal with the influx of orders or do we try to manage with the team we have?
  • If I make the wrong decision am I going to be thought of as a failure?

