What Are You Choosing?

What you are not changing, you are also choosing

Cee Cee


Have you heard the quote,

“What you are not changing, you are also choosing?”

I didn’t, until a few weeks ago.

It kind of changed my life.

I came across it by accident. I wasn’t even looking for motivation at the time. It appeared out of nowhere.

I have been going through a rough patch in my personal life. I had to make some big decisions. While simultaneously, I was stuck in indecisiveness.

A place I know well.

What I didn’t know, that being between those two posts was only delaying the inevitable.

That is to make a decision and move forward.
Easy right?
Nope, not for me.

We all have our insecurities. We have our beliefs and our personalities that influence how we make decisions. In this case, not making a decision.

Some people are huge risk-takers.
I am not one of them.

If there was an Olympics for stagnation and who could stay in the one spot for the longest, I would win first place. This isn’t an achievement. Except if you are competitive and like to win, I am not either of those.

I love inspirational quotes. But, I struggle with implementing their knowledge and words of wisdom into my life most of the time.



Cee Cee

Spirituality, Wellness and Holistic Interior Design blending both to heal the body, mind, spirit & Soul. Join my new publication Zen & Soul