What Bothers Me As a Writer

And it always will.

Noah Nelson
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2021


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

I love to write.

If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be writing on Medium or writing another book on the way. Nevertheless, there are some things about writing that bother me.

You Will Never Know How Many Words You Write

In order to be a successful writer, especially on Medium, it’s crucial to write every day.

Not just every day, but write hundreds to thousands of words every day. Some writers may have a word count at 500 or 2000 words or somewhere in between. Other writers may write from a time limit.

Either way, writers churn out thousands of words, but in reality, we will never know how many words we will write in our writing careers.

We could have a good idea, but at the end of the day, it’s just speculation. We will never know the exact number or words we write.

Does this bother you too?

I’m a numbers freak, and anytime when a number isn’t certain, it bothers me. This situation is no different.

Nevertheless, I’m going to keep writing every day, because it’s what I’m good at and what I love to do.

You Will Never Know How Many Readers You Have



Noah Nelson

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alum | Author of “Life: A Collection of Short Stories” and “Dana and Me” | Featured Writer on ILLUMINATION (23x).