What Can You Do When You Have No Motivation To Do Anything?

You can ask yourself the same question I used to ask myself

3 min readJul 30, 2021


When I first started working online, I had absolutely no motivation to create content. I knew that I had plenty of skills, but zero drives to sell or market them. I thought that I would just get a job and quit.

I’m still learning, but it has definitely taught me some valuable lessons.

Motivation is important, but sometimes too much motivation can kill your drive. In fact, sometimes you will lose motivation after you get the job done.

If you are on a deadline, or you think you have an important client meeting, and you don’t have any motivation left to write content for your website, there is nothing you can do. It’s a fact of life.

But if you have positive motivation to do whatever it takes, you can accomplish anything. You can wake up tomorrow morning and write 30 more articles for your blog.

Having no motivation to work on your business could be the worst thing that can happen. Having to continually convince yourself that you need to work at your business is one of the biggest deterrents from ever starting.

People often think, if they want to make money, then they should work, right? I’m not sure how anyone can honestly say that they want to work when they have the ability to sit back, relax, and watch the money come rolling in.

When you think negatively, all of those negative thoughts start to permeate your mind. Your brain starts to focus on the negatives.

Because of this, you start to lose focus on the opportunity that you are given when you open your eyes and look outside of yourself.

The trick is to reverse those negative thoughts and reprogram your brain to think positively about what you want out of life.

You can ask yourself the same question I used to ask myself when I first thought about this:

“What can you do when you have no motivation to do anything?”

Then take a moment to think about people in your life that get up in the morning and put forth an effort to go to work, make relationships with their peers or family, or pursue any number of other things.

Think about the things they have control over. Can you identify anything about them that would cause you to get up and give it your best shot? The answer is probably “nothing”.

Many people say that these people in their lives are their best inspiration. If you look at the people in your business, the people that have influenced you the most, what is the one thing that would give you the drive to get up and go to work? I’m willing to bet that it’s not a new product, service, or idea.

The same holds true for personal goals. What can you do when you have no motivation to do anything? A big part of this is finding something in your life that gives you meaning and purpose.

There’s no reason why you can’t find something within yourself that will spur you on to action. This is especially true if your life is feeling somewhat non-motivating right now.

Once you find that something that gives meaning and purpose to your life and your activities, take time to nurture and care for this new thing you have discovered.

I know this might sound corny but I have found my motivation by taking care of something that had been taken away from me.

This is how I know that I have what can you do when you have no motivation to do anything. Just keep going, don’t give up, and remember that your subconscious mind was designed to treat a lack of motivation as a sign that you have truly lost sight of your goals and are now officially Motivated Gone!




Passionate Writer, Psychologist, social media Influencer, Visual FX Artist, and Engineer.