What Causes Humans To Want Power And Control Over Other Humans?

The basis of every war ever fought.

Jerry Pompilio


Image by shahbazshah91 from Pixabay

The world is on the brink of another world war, why?

As you watch the event unfold, do you ask yourself why the world has forever been in conflicts and wars?

How Many Years Are Enough?

Could you believe it all centers around a human flaw? The God complex. The thought any one person or persons should have control of others. You may have been told they’re all sorts of reasons, but there’s only one.

Why do humans want power and control over other humans, and everything else?


The desire for power and control over others is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been studied extensively in various fields, including psychology, sociology, and anthropology. While the specific causes can vary from individual to individual, several general explanations have been proposed:

  1. Evolutionary perspective: Some scholars argue that the desire for power may have evolutionary roots. In the context of early human societies, having power and control could have provided advantages such as better access to resources, mating opportunities, and



Jerry Pompilio

Jerry Pompilio, Small business survivor. With over 50 years in the service business. At this stage, it’s time to pay it back. To help others survive it too.