100 Days Writing Challenge

What Do Followers Mean To You?

The most intense question on Medium — Episode 17

Misbah Ul Haq Syed
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2021


Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

Medium is one of the best portals to create and share your content. In doing so, followers play an important part in the journey. It is one of the key factors, whether we will be a success or a failure. Hence, how we deal with followers is quite sensitive. There are several reasons for the same. Let’s discuss a few.

First, having a big fan following makes us stand apart from the rest of the crowd. Because all writers/bloggers on Medium are always striving their best to have maximum followers.

Second, more followers invariably mean that your stories are likely to have better stats. This leads to better performance in terms of the Medium Partner Program that ultimately reflects in your bank account.

Third, the bigger the follower base, the more is your tendency to understand the likes and dislikes of the people out there who are eager to read good quality content.

Fourth, a sizable or rather an extraordinary followers’ number makes you more acceptable in elite publications. This is all about in Medium, isn’t it? Unless some of you are so ambitious that you either create your own publication houses or you go for self publications.

