What do parents fear the most about sleepovers?

The fear of the unknown

Heidi Nite


Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Let’s not sugar coat it here. Its child molestation.

I believe my children can scream, but will they?

I believe they have strength, but will they be overpowered.

Will they tell me, can they call me… will it be too late?

My son is a matter of metres away, across the park, at a friend’s house. Maybe 300 metres away, I keep my window open.

Will he escape and make it home?

How do parents cope with these thoughts? He’s 9.

I stayed at a friend’s place as a child. The father, a big fat guy with a moustache stepped out into the hallway and pissed in a bucket. He didn’t look happy to see me.

Imagine me, 10 years old, terrified of a guy pissing in a bucket. Imagine someone molesting you.

Tonight I’m at a loose end.

Is my mind a loose end, or is my purpose a loose end?

My career is on a speedway, it rushes past me. I can’t keep up.

My children grow and grow, and tonight they sleepover at friends and grandparents’ houses. It was unplanned, it was too quick for me. And so, I’m left at a loose end.



Heidi Nite

Wading through the quagmire of mental health, family and relationships. Surviving & building. Become a member: https://medium.com/@heidinite22/membership