What Do You Choose Between Riches vs. Satisfaction?

A Journey of Self-Reflection: What wins in the battle of Riches vs. Satisfaction?

2 min readNov 19, 2023


Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

As I returned home after a long day of hard work, the joyful screams of children playing outside caught my attention.

Curious, I leaned over my balcony to witness a group of 10–15 children, immersed in the sheer joy of the present moment. They weren’t just living; they were loving every moment they were experiencing.

We all start our journey with dreams, goals, and passions, much like those carefree children.

However, as we grow older, many of us find ourselves deviating from our dreams or, worse, losing sight of what truly brings us joy. It’s as if we’re caught in a busy rat race, surrounded by countless others racing towards undefined destinations.

The reality is, that we often start with dreams that bring us happiness, only to later restrict ourselves and conform to societal expectations.

We limit our vision to what the world shows us, forgetting the boundless possibilities that once fueled our aspirations.

Now is the time to ask ourselves a crucial question:

Are we living for the sole purpose of accumulating riches, hoping that wealth will buy us happiness and satisfaction until the end of our days?


Are we living to satisfy our inner selves, keeping our dreams alive and passionately pursuing our goals, even if they may not lead to immense wealth?

It’s a moment for introspection, my friends.

Share your thoughts in the comments on your choice.

Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery together! :)

