What do you Desire? A Story About the Law of Attraction.

meera christine
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2020

If someone told you you could have anything you desired, what would it be?

I had my first experience with the Law of Attraction, or rather the principle, in fourth-grade art class. Just as we were lining up to leave, Ms. Gallion told us to look at a painting on the wall. One was a fiery, bold red. “Some people genuinely feel warmer looking at the red painting, do you?” She said, and while the rest of the class had confused expressions on their faces, I felt a rush of warmth going up and down my body.

Photo by Massimo Virgili

I had thought about red, the color, the power, and physically felt it. Years later, I would use the same principle to manifest my desires into reality.

When I first began high school, I became genuinely interested in spirituality. Lucid dreams, astral projecting, and a philosophical view of religion consumed my mind. I became a vegetarian at 16 and never looked back. I controlled my dreams, and later my thoughts.

Most will cringe at the idea that “positive thinking yields positive results”, but both science and spiritual knowledge proves it to be true. This isn’t a conspiracy theory or complicated rocket science. This is the power of re-wiring our brains to control our realities.

I used a method to attract genuine friendships and relationships into my life. By writing down what I desired, but in the tense of already having it, I was quite frankly writing it into existence. Whether that be romantic or platonic loving relationships, academic or career success, or improved mood and mental health, if you desire it, you can have it.

It is not magic, nor 100% foolproof. Your goals will always require intervention. But by accessing our subconscious mind and putting intention into our reality, your desires and dreams can manifest and grow as well. It takes practice and clear intent, but it can be done.

You have to look at your day like a week, not a day, to see and experience real progress.

I am nearing the second decade of my life now, and I have many different paths lying ahead of me. I have and continue to do a “Monthly Manifestation,” where my dreams and values align to make sure I am not straying away from what I truly want. My desires have changed over the years, from manifesting good grades to relationships- some have come true while others are waiting for the right timing- but this practice changed the course of my life.

What do you desire?



meera christine

travel writer & content creator. graduate of barnard college.