What Do You Think is Life?

Pursuit, setback, responsibility or growth

4 min read6 days ago


Photo by Maël BALLAND on Unsplash

Life, this seemingly ordinary yet containing endless mysteries word, like a deep and vast ocean, carries each person’s unique experiences and insights.

It is like a symphony with ups and downs, with both ordinary trivial notes and exciting passages; it is also like a fantasy journey full of unknowns, both the plain daily steps and the great journey to chase dreams and explore meaning.

So, what exactly is the true meaning of life?

Life, first and foremost, is a state of being.

It is not only the physiological function of our breathing, eating, and resting, but also the process of our communicating with the world, connecting with others, and having a dialogue with our own inner self.

In this process, we appreciate the diverse emotions of joys and sorrows, taste the various flavors of life, and go through the natural laws of life, old age, sickness, and death.

These seemingly ordinary daily scenes outline the base color of life and are also the rich soil for our thrive.

For example, in The Old Man and the Sea described by the American writer Hemingway, the old fisherman Santiago, despite not having caught anything for 84 consecutive days, still went out to fish firmly and finally caught a huge marlin.

This fully demonstrates the unyielding spirit in the face of setbacks in life.

Also, the French writer Romain Rolland once said,

“There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, still loving life after knowing the truth of life.”

This kind of love and courage for life is the driving force for us to move forward continuously on the road of life.

However, life is not just such superficial complexity and triviality. It is also a spiritual quest and a deep-seated sustenance of the soul.

We are eager to find meaning and value in life and strive to pursue our dreams and goals.

This pursuit fills our life with motivation and passion and makes us more tenacious and brave when encountering difficulties, obstacles, and many challenges.

The meaning of life often depends on our attitude towards it.

When we embrace life with a positive and active attitude, we will be surprised to find that there are everywhere in life, good and surprises.

Whether it is the first ray of sunshine that breaks through the clouds in the early morning or the bright stars that fill the sky at night; whether it is the warm moment of getting together with relatives and friends or the leisurely time of enjoying the quiet alone, they are all worthy of our cherishing and being grateful for.

However, the voyage of life is not always calm.

We will encounter setbacks and failures, and experience pain and loss. But precisely these experiences give us a deeper understanding of the essence of life.

As the German philosopher Nietzsche said,

“What doesn’t kill you will eventually make you stronger.”

They teach us how to face difficulties, how to adjust our minds, and how to start again.

These experiences make us more resolute and mature, and also make us more cherish those beautiful moments.

In addition to personal personal experience and inner perception, life also has the responsibility and mission of the society.

We are in a complex and changeable society and need to work together with others and work together to draw a beautiful future blueprint.

In this process, we must learn to respect others, understand others, and care for others.

Only in this way can we build a harmonious, stable, and prosperous social environment.

At the same time, life also requires us to continue to learn and grow.

In this ever-changing era, we need to constantly update our knowledge reserves and skills to adapt to the constantly changing social needs.

This learning and growth not only makes us more confident and capable in the face of the challenges of life, but also makes us more determined and resolute on the road of chasing dreams.

In summary, life is a complex and splendid concept.

It is not only the foundation and condition of our existence, but also our journey to pursue dreams and meaning.

In this process, we need to face life positively, cherish every moment and every experience; at the same time, we also need to take on the responsibility and mission of the society, cooperate with others, and jointly create a beautiful future.

Only in this way can we truly understand the true meaning of life and enjoy the beauty and happiness it gives.

Hi, I’m Lin. I write about living healthier and mindfully. To see my stories pop up on your feed, I’d love for you to follow me (Lin). And, to have stories sent directly to you, click the link below.

